Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Brookley V. - Untitled

This photo was shot around the end of August. It was shot outside of my friends ballet studio. It was shot because we were locked out at first and started taking a bunch of random pictures and this photo happened to be one of the many poses that I shot. I like it because I like the red color of the cd against all of the neutral and dark colors. I edited it by blurring the sides, enhancing it, and defining it a bit more.


Ellie W. - HHS said...

I really like this photo because, like you said, the red cd against all of the other kind of neutrals, blacks, and whites in the background. I also really like the depth of field. Great job!

Jessica H said...

i really like how the cd pops out of this picture and how her shirt is blurred. and i also like how you used all neutral, blacks and whites in the picture cause it really causes the red cd to pop! Great job!!