Welcome to the Hoover High School Digital Photo Blog.
Here you can view images created by students from each period of Mr. Doss' digital photography class. Each posting has been created by a student and will be accompanied by a title. Please feel free to comment and check back often to see newly uploaded images.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Morgan M. - Golf Ball
Katie O, HHS
This is a really cool shot. I love the perspective. The focus on the club and the golf ball is super clear and gives the who image a very neat look. Great job!
I like how defined the colors of this picture is. i like how only the club and ball are in focus and the golf ball really stands out with its clean bright white. the wood on he club goes well with everything else in the picture.
This is a really cool shot. I love the perspective. The focus on the club and the golf ball is super clear and gives the who image a very neat look. Great job!
I really like how you can see all the details! And the red strip really pops! Good job Morgan!!
I love all the details on this shot, especially on the golf ball, club, and grass. It makes this looks really cool. Great Shot!(:
i love this picture(: the perspective is amazing. good job!
This is a really cool shot! I love the perspective you took the picture at and the macro focus on the golf ball and club. Good job!
i really like all of the line\shape elements in this picture andhow defined they are. veryy good job.
this is a really nice shot. the perspective is super cool and adds something cool to the picture, great shot!
I like how defined the colors of this picture is. i like how only the club and ball are in focus and the golf ball really stands out with its clean bright white. the wood on he club goes well with everything else in the picture.
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