Sunday, October 9, 2011

Ellie W. - Kitty

This is a photo of my cat that I took a few weeks ago for the About Me Project.  I took it in my front yard when she was laying in the landscaping.  I like this photo because my cat's eyes look very bright and her face is very in focus and so are a couple of blades of grass in front of her.


Anonymous said...

I absolutely love the focus of this picture. The color of the cats eyes are a nice vibrant colorful blue. The grass that the cat is sitting on is also enhanced in an almost neon green color. Great Job!

Morgan Ann C - HHS said...

I love this picture! I love how the cat's blue eyes really stand out and how the cat is not staring at you straight on. I also love all the vibrant colors of the picture!

Madison L_HHS said...

ellie, this is such a cool picture. i love how the cats blue eyes stand out and the grass is so vibrant. great job!

Jacob W. hhs said...

Those eyes are freaking amazing! They really stand out on the cats face and add a nice focal point on the cat. I love how there are so many different colors in this shot. I love the detail of the face and how the grass is super green

ZachH-HHS said...

I like how bright her eyes look, and I also like how how green and beautiful the grass looks; great picture!