Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Sarah E. - Mary

I took this picture of my sister downtown, we weren't sure what the building was but it looked like a bank. This was from one of my first photo shoots I ever had and it was one of my favorite out of any of the pictures I've taken from any shoots. The only edit I did to it was fade the color. I really liked it because it was just different, and I love the way there is a big window and a small window. And I like how it doesn't look posed. 


CarolineC_HHS said...

i love this picture. It is so simple but yet different. The wall is smooth and then their are the folds in the curtains that give texture.

Jade R- HHS said...

I love the simplicity of this picture! I like how you can tell how huge the windows are compared to an actual person. Its different than most pictures because the person isn't the main focus. Everything is in focus

JaylaJ-HHS said...

This is a really cool image. I love the texture and smoothness of the photo and I also the focus of the small window and large window.

Michael J said...

I really like the composition of this picture. The eye is lead upwards and you really understand the size of the circles. Great shot.

Emily B said...

I like the brown tines in this and the composition is great. Her pose gives a sort of dreamy quality to this.

Brenda S. said...

I like this picture, because the person looks so small compared to the window it almost looks unreal.
I think that if it wasn't for the person sitting there I would think that they are just holes on a wall not windows.